
Leah | A Relaxed Gal

A Relaxed Gal is a site dedicated to helping women look great, feel great, and live great in the areas of relaxed hair, beauty, and lifestyle. If this interests you, subscribe for tips and inspiration!

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Relaxed Gal Monthly Roundup - December

We are just hours away from the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025. I can't say that I will miss 2024. It wasn't a terrible year for me but it wasn't an amazing year either. Per the usual, I spent time with my family - brother and sister-in-law, parents, and my favorites my nephew and niece. I spent time with friends. Some of us went on an all-girls beach trip that we may be repeating in 2025. I also just spent time hanging out and enjoying the company of my friends. I went on an awesome...

The year is almost over! We just finished November. As I get older I'm always amazed that every year seems to pass by quicker and quicker. How did your November go? If you live in the U.S. how was your Thanksgiving? I don't have any personal highlights to share so here are some content highlights from November. Latest in hair Shampoos I've been loving for my relaxed hair care Discover the shampoos I’ve been using to keep my relaxed hair healthy, hydrated, and strong. Read article 4 relaxed...

Wow! This year is going by fast. We are now in August. Summer is about to come to an end so fall is right around the corner. Before you know it Christmas will be here. July was a pretty quiet month for me. I had some plans with friends fall through or get postponed so my anticipated busy weekends ended up not being as busy. That was pretty nice actually. My mom and I finished watching The Crown on Netflix. We enjoyed it until the last few episodes. Once it got into the 2000s it was so boring...

Welcome to May! We are almost halfway through the year and I’m looking forward to May mostly because the weather will be warmer. April though was a whirlwind for many reasons. The main reason was I quit my current job and will be starting a new one next week! I also started working on my vegetable garden by putt together the raised garden bed that I'd bought in the fall. For most of April, it was sitting empty in my yard l as I didn’t want to plant anything until the beginning of May. The...

The first quarter of 2024 is done so welcome to Q2! March wasn't as busy as February. I spent most of it in town with family and friends. I did take a weekend trip to Kentucky to visit an Uncle and his family. It was my first time in Kentucky and I wasn't impressed. It wasn't bad but there was nothing really compelling or different enough for me to want to spend a lot of time there. Forget about living there lol. My mom and I continue to binge-watch shows. This time we're binging The Crown on...

I thought I would feel so much more productive having an extra day this February and yet, I didn’t. That being said, February wasn’t an amazing month but it wasn’t terrible either. The reason I say that is earlier in the month I went to a funeral for one of my aunts. It was doubly sad because she was the first of the female siblings on that side of my family to depart and was the oldest living sibling as her older brothers passed away years ago. I got to spend the weekend with my brother and...

Wow! The first month of the year is coming to an end. When I look back on what happened in January it felt like the month went quickly but also kinda dragged a bit. I celebrated the birthdays of a couple of friends, did a no-spend month, discovered a new old show (Bob’s Burgers), and spent time with family and friends. I also shared a few of my hair and beauty tips and products like My Quick and Affordable Option For A DIY Manicure and How I Manage My New Growth During Relaxer Stretches. A...